Piano Classes

• 30min
• 45min
• 1 hour

Classes for younger children (from 4 years old) without experience include: 

playing with the right hand only
reading and drawing the first musical
experiencing music as " another language"
learning the first simple melodies like
 "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

Older children with or without experience: 

playing with both hands
note reading exercises,
learning of first easy classical music pieces
modern rock/pop songs.

The lessons are specially designed to create student interest and progress by combing basic elements of piano technic with melody.

Guitar/Ukulele Classes

• 30min
• 45 min 

Classes for younger children ( 6+ years) include:

playing the first chords on the fretboard
playing your child's favorite songs
learning different strumming patterns
introduction of many finger-picking techniques
learning how to keep time with a song